auf'decked // Discover DJs With Us!

DJs are the backbone of our social-dance life. With this series, we want to make their work visible and audible online and give them a platform to showcase their personal style and musical interests in the form of dedicated playlists.

Discovered + On Decks = auf’Decked // FIND OUT MORE

You can find all auf’Decked playlists on IG HOP’s Spotify!

For even more playlists with music for practising, some of IG HOP’s history in video, etc. check out our Youtube channel!

Dance History Playlists

Lindy Hop History

Click this icon in the player to view titles

Solo Jazz History

Click this icon in the player to view titles


Books & Articles – A Short-List

Book: Swingin‘ at the Savoy

The Memoir of A Jazz Dancer, Norma Miller

Book: The Story of Jazz

Marshall Stearns' examination of jazz's cultural effects on the world.

Book: Between Beats

The Jazz Tradition and Black Vernacular Dance

Book: Dancing Many Drums

Excavations In African American Dance

Book: Jazz Dance

The Story of American Vernacular Dance

Book: Frankie Manning

The Ambassador of Lindy Hop


Blog & Radio

Book: Watch Your Step

A History of African American Dancing

Blog: Swungover

A blog of random swing thoughts and stories by Bobby White

Article: Al Minns – The Incorrigible Lindy Hopper

1920-1985, written by Terry Monaghan

Book: Körper in Schieflage

Tanzen im Strudel des Black Atlantic um 1900, Book by Astrid Kusser

Book: The Sound of Rebellion

Zur Politischen Ästhetik des Jazz

Book: Jookin‘

The Rise of Social Dance Formations in African-American Culture

You can find all these books and many more at the reference library in our studio. Come by and rent out a book!